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On the Pacific Guatemalan coast, between the sea and the mangroves, a family lives. Most of the children contribute to the family's livelihood: fishing, cooking and helping their father on the salt farm. The closest school is an hour's paddle away in the nearest village. They arrive on time, consistently by 8 o'clock. Yet Nicho, a fourteen-year-old boy, doesn't know how to read. This stark difference in the quality of education between urban and rural areas of the country is a major concern. Forgotten by the central state, they are destined to struggle harder than their counterparts simply due to their circumstances: they were born on the periphery.


Italian freelance filmmaker, photographer and journalist. He worked for years in a communication company in his country: in 2022 he started travelling around Mexico and central America, while doing projects with NGOs, association and organization focused on biodiversity and social themes. Now lives in Bogota, Colombia, and he's developing a project focused on primate conservation.​

+57 310 5875561

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